WhiteOrchid Privacy Statement

  • At WhiteOrchid we take online security very seriously and we try to ensure that we manage all online data in a professional way. We are committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 1998 and comply with all the legal requirements that currently exist.
  • Data Protection Act 1998

    The Data Protection Act 1998 came into force on 1 March 2000. It sets rules for processing personal information and applies to paper records as well as those held on computers. Anyone processing personal data must comply with the eight enforceable principles of good practice.
    They say that data must be:
    Fairly and lawfully processed for limited purposes.
    Adequate, relevant and not excessive.
    Not transferred to countries without adequate protection.
    Not kept longer than necessary.
    Processed in accordance with the data subject's rights.
    Secure Accurate.

    Personal data covers both facts and opinions about the individual. It also includes information regarding the intentions of the data controller towards the individual, although in some limited circumstances exemptions will apply. With processing, the definition is far wider than before. For example, it incorporates the concepts of 'obtaining', 'holding' and 'disclosing'.

    A full explanation of the principles of Data Protection is available at www.dataprotection.gov.uk
    © Data Protection Commissioner

    WhiteOrchid deals only with reputable service providers in our efforts to ensure your data remain secure and we do not sell your data to other third parties. We have tried to ensure we use the most up to date and secure technology / service providers available to us in order to protect your data as much as possible.
  • Security and Privacy

    We offer fully secured web site, so you can order whenever you want from home or work. We use a server certificate (also know as a digital certificate) to assure you of our identity and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to encrypt data transmission.

    When you are using our secure payment systems you will see both the Padlock and https web site address to assure you of the secure nature of that transaction. If at any time you do not see this during the payment process, stop entering your details and contact us with all relevant details. All personal and credit card details are stored using encryption. We are committed to maintaining your privacy and complying with the Data Protection Act 1998. We have published this guide to help you understand how and why WhiteOrchid collects information from you, who we disclose it too, and what your rights are. If we make changes to this policy, it will be reflected on this page. You can go to our web site and look through, browse the site and we take no personal information at that stage. We only start to take information from you when you decide to place an order with us. Please see below for further details.
  • What information do we collect?

    We ask for your name, telephone number, collection and delivery address if you are Private Customer, email address. We also collect data for any surveys that we might run. When an order booking is made on our site, in addition to the above, we also ask for payment method details.
  • What is the data used for?

    Primarily to help us serve you better. We use the data we do collect in very specific ways for example details to complete your order and understand more about what you would like.
    1. Your data will enable us to complete your order accurately, charge your order correctly and get it too you on time.
    2. In addition we will use the information to notify you about any changes to your order, important functionality changes, promotions or service updates that you need to know about via email.
    3. We will also use it to inform you about services, promotions and special offers from WhiteOrchid that we may be offering. We will use our email systems to inform you of these updates.
    4. We use the data on traffic to maximise the site potential ensuring you get what you want where you want to see it and it helps us with the overall management of the web site.
    5. If you do not wish to receive special offer and other promotional emails simply check the box “Do not send me emails about special offers and other promotions, I will check the web site myself”. This option is available in your Account.
    6. We do no make our mailing list available to any other company. Therefore you will not get emails from other third parties, via us, from the data you have agreed to give us.
  • Customer Feedback

    By providing your details on our website, you consent to the information you give us being processed for any of the purposes we have explained above.
  • Monitoring Communications

    To protect our business and our staff we monitor all incoming and outgoing emails. If you have any comments, queries or complaints relating to our privacy policy please contact us.